Losing sight of things

      I cannot see my watch
      The date has disappeared
      Old age is blurring up my sight
      I find it really weird

      Frustrating, well, to say the least
      And sitting at the 'putor
      My hobby glasses do the trick
      But I can't ride my scooter

      I'm only forty-four you know
      And I hate wearing glasses
      I can't say what I'd like to say
      Because it rhymes with passes

      (But really I am glad you know
      That I can see at all
      If I lost my total sight
      'twould be a nasty fall)



       Mary had a little flea,
       It used to leap and jump,
       An enervating sight to see,
       When sitting on her rump.

       It went with her to school one day,
       Transgressing at that site,
       It really hosed her class-mates off,
       When bitten by the mite.

       The flea was rapt to watch them squirm
       And ultimately flee,
       It trained its sights on all of them
       And said "Yum-yum, gimme!"

       Mary watched the flea pursue
       The students through the night
       And then, at breakfast, told it off
       With words I dare not cite.

       le fantôme amical


      If you find for your jokes there's no call
      And you can't get published at all
      For the writer in you
      With laughs that are new
      There's always the URL wall

      Lady D


      I see it! I saw it!!
      It passed me by..
      I see it! I saw it!!'s in my eye..

      I hear it! I heard it!!
      It filled the air..
      I hear it! I heard it!! isn't fair..

      I feel it! I felt it!!
      It brushed my skin..
      I feel it! I felt it!!
      oops..that safety pin..

      I see it..I still see it...
      It's within my sight..
      I think I still see it..
      oops...who turned out the light?

      I give up

      der blumers

  Re: SeeSaw

      I sniff it, I smell it,
      It's dark, I can't see,
      I test with my nose,
      oops.. the smell might be me!

      flying ânt

  One Tree Hill

       Looking out our window
       We see a lovely sight
       One Tree Hill it's usual name
       It's tree just got the blight

       Some years ago an activist
       Attacked it with a chain saw
       A criminal act of damages
       Which was against the law

       The tree's been healing since
       With lots of loving care
       Security wired to the fence
       To intervene a dare

       This morning sadly someone made
       Another saw attack
       Ringbarked the tree 'round 10am
       For tree, no turning back

       How can some people be so cruel?
       What motivates their minds?
       I truly say, and not in jest
       Go ringbark their behinds!


One Tree Hill

       In 1942 we moved to Auckland,
       I rode my bike around there all the time,
       Often went up One Tree Hill to visit
       The old pine tree that's there but never climb.

       I'd see it from most suburbs of the city,
       Of all the landmarks it stood out the most,
       Standing by an obelisk of granite,
       Auckland's most spectacular signpost.

       It's over forty years since I left Auckland
       But One Tree Hill also the old lone pine
       Maintain their place amongst my favourite memories,
       A sight that surely pleased these eyes of mine.

       le fantôme amical

One Tree Hill Revisited

       One Tree's been given just three years
       So sad that this is so
       They may put more than one up there
       To see through our window

       So will they call it Three Tree Hill
       Or Four Tree Hill or Eight?
       Change happens, it's a fact of life
       For this tree, it's too late

       Those crims they took the bandages
       And sawed through the old cuts
       Then ringbarked it around its base
       Exposed its wooden guts

       The sawdust clean upon the ground
       Like blood spilled on the earth
       Get lost! You bold misguided fiends
       Who've ruined One Tree's girth


One Tree Hill

       I parked on One tree Hill
       With a girl in the passenger seat
       But that was UNTOLD years ago --
       At the time, it seemed quite neat.

       le taniwha amical

       You had a passenger seat on your bike?

            It was a Series E

Re: It was a Series EEEEEEEEK

      With a lot of skill he on
      With girl on the pillion
      Better be dat she hold on
      Or de silly filly gone

      Harley Figgerson

  A Welcome to Summer

       Whilst in the Southern hemisphere,
       On top of the world,
       We fast run out of frosts and storms
       Our frozen toes uncurled.

       Spring is sprung, the lawn grows long,
       Put petrol in the mower,
       Summer's coming rapidly
       We hope it leaves us slower.

       le fantôme amical

  A Farewell to Summer

       The Seasons change
       to golden leaves.
       An autumn fragrance in the breeze.

       The swings are stilled
       in summer parks.
       No more disturbed, the feathered larks.

       none to soon.
       The sighting of the harvest moon.


 Warrented Site

      A superstitious lady wore about her throat
      A silver-mounted, withered rabbit's foot.
      Was it a lucky charm, over which to gloat?
      Or was it something, up with which she had to put?

      A superstitious rabbit 'round its neck displayed
      The appendage from a human being's ankle.
      Was it a talisman to keep him unafraid?
      Or was it ever to be borne, though it would rankle?

      le fantôme amical


      Ah! Welcome warmth, a lovely luxury
      The surface shimmers, shine reflecting all
      Until toes merge with their own imagery
      And ripples radiate around footfall
      Then slowly, sensual descent of limbs
      The tender touch invites immersion bliss
      And water rises, reaching bathtub rims
      Warmth laps, a comforting, caressing kiss
      Dissolving worry, all that weighs me down
      And melting tension, heat massaging skin
      To soak and sense abatement of a frown
      To smile as satisfaction wells within
      Ah! Welcome warmth, a secret joy sublime
      These peaceful moments stolen out of time

      Lady D (attempting a sonnet!)

 Cataract Sites

      A Plutarchan Sonnet

      Ten years ago, and more, I was close to blind
      With cataracts depriving me of sight.
      An ophthalmologist, who saw my plight,
      Spoke to me, his words I bring to mind:

      "You clearly see that, though it is unkind,
      "You can not clearly see by day or night;
      "If I remove the mist by mystic rite,
      "It won't be missed by you, when redesigned."

      Up to then, no matter what they did,
      Perceptions that I had were always double;
      Things I looked for constantly were hid
      Sometimes I thought that I had seen them trouble;
      But that's the least for as my sight backslid,
      Ultimately all the sights were quouble!

      le fantôme italien

DAZE OFF   (A Plutarchan Sonnet)

      A woman who has slaved and sold her soul
      Deserves a break, deserves a chance to rest
      Some time to sink into a homely nest
      A holiday: a working woman's goal
      Some days when work's demands have no control
      Some days when NOTHING happens would be best
      In time all workday pressures I'll divest
      And I'll fulfil my other, woman, role

      A holiday means time to be alone
      To read and write and think all on my own
      Recouping strength, regaining energy
      Replenishing the soul's vitality
      A holiday means rediscovering
      The pleasure friends and family can bring

      Lady D